Ducks in Sculpture Garden Pond, 1975 |
.Visitors to the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in June not only saw Aristide Maillol's Nymph but also this wild mallard duck, proudly swimming with her young. A pair of mallards surprisingly had made the garden their home
image & text source
Perhaps a slightly different perspective from that which most are used
to looking at regarding Kundalini.
If one puts aside the Literal doctrine surrounding many of the stories
that surround Kundalini on both the web and in text books and looks
beyond the words at the essence of what is written ...
If one has a close look at the Taoist Healing Philosophies;
If one looks closely at the Ancient Chinese Acupuncture meridian
system ...
If one looks into the Japanese Healing arts
If one looks very closely at a Western Medical Encylopaedia
If one looks at some of the latest advancements in Medical Research
... including microbiology and Neorology
If one finds a common Essence and lays this over all of these
modalities one would find that there is a very simple explanation for
the whole mythology surrounding Kundalini, its cause, its rising, the
timing of its awakening and ALL of the physical, mental, psychological
and psychic symptoms that people experience .. and which are commonly
attributed to Kundalini.
Having perused some of the comments on this list and gone back through
the archives, there is not one single experience that cannot be
directly explained in relatively plain English.
AND .. its all so simple ... when one understands the real essence of
what is stored in Muladhara and the significance of this Chakra.
Even the "Chakra System" finds a rational plain English explanation in
terms of both the Central Nervous System and certain significant
Acupuncture points ...
Kundalini (so called) will awaken .. it must, the moment the mind
loses control of the body and it must also awaken from the base chakra
It will flow through the body - up a central channel .. it must - if
you understand what the Central Channel really means ..
You will experience all sorts of physical, mental and emotional
symptoms you must, and you will understand how and why if you
understand the relationships between the organs of the body, their
personality, and the meridians that connect them.
You will also experience "psychic" symptoms as the energy from the
Muladhara links with the Ajna ... you must, and you will understand if
you can understand the nature of the Pineal Gland and its role in the
Physiology of the body in Harmony.
You may go mad - or get very sick if you start to look on this as some
"Spiritual" Awakening for the simple reason ...
Kunda - the energy of the pot in the earth .. is the feminine
principle of life in its physical existence .. and the life-force of
every cell in your body and, it has a life of its own ...
Kunda, Cunti, Kunti .. in all her variations of nomenclature is Home
.. your centeredness ... in your physicality. Without that
physicality, mind can not exist (except through resonance with a
sympathetic DNA in a living relative)
and when the whole body is in balance .. only when all of the
Meridians have balanced themselves
will there be a link between Muladhara, Ajna and the Sino Atrial Node
... which is the mysterious 8th Chakra.
"the duck's nuts"
Landscape between Gilgandra and Warren NSW
May 2011
image credit
Now - the funny thing is ...
the energy of the mind is (masculine) centripetal or densifying and
compacting the energy of your life-force (feminine) is centrifugal or
expanding and dedensifying ..
and the centre of the base chakra contains the memory of the moment
that the sperm entered the egg and this resulted in your conception
So, Kundalini is about the expansion of possibilities, about life's
conception of itself - and your conception of your own self ...
in spite of what your mother and father were thinking at the time ...
and this memory is stored in the very tips of the bones that make up
your pelvic floor - joined by your Perineum.
BTW ...
it takes 10 milliseconds for a signal from the body to reach the brain
and, for the average person, it takes 500 milliseconds for the
conscious mind to get an intellectual grasp of what is happening and
750 millisecond of thought re-imprints the opposite of what you are
consciously thinking back into your body
So .. the only "therapy" for a so-called "Kundalini" awakening is
understanding and accepting ... that what you are experiencing is your
own inner self trying to live in harmony with its self ... and your
mind is the last to know.
Oh ... and a cell will mutate as far as necessary in order to survive
in its environment ... and your mind provides part of that
the Kundalini Sutras were a medical document, not a Spiritual Teaching
and Buddhist Teachings provide a plain, old fashioned Psychology Text
which, when understood in their wholeness, are very accurate according
to the most recent studies and findings.
Simplicity cannot be overwhelmed. Mind can be
Christopher Wynter
Copyright and all rights acknowledged & ignored
to looking at regarding Kundalini.
If one puts aside the Literal doctrine surrounding many of the stories
that surround Kundalini on both the web and in text books and looks
beyond the words at the essence of what is written ...
If one has a close look at the Taoist Healing Philosophies;
If one looks closely at the Ancient Chinese Acupuncture meridian
system ...
If one looks into the Japanese Healing arts
If one looks very closely at a Western Medical Encylopaedia
If one looks at some of the latest advancements in Medical Research
... including microbiology and Neorology
If one finds a common Essence and lays this over all of these
modalities one would find that there is a very simple explanation for
the whole mythology surrounding Kundalini, its cause, its rising, the
timing of its awakening and ALL of the physical, mental, psychological
and psychic symptoms that people experience .. and which are commonly
attributed to Kundalini.
Having perused some of the comments on this list and gone back through
the archives, there is not one single experience that cannot be
directly explained in relatively plain English.
AND .. its all so simple ... when one understands the real essence of
what is stored in Muladhara and the significance of this Chakra.
Even the "Chakra System" finds a rational plain English explanation in
terms of both the Central Nervous System and certain significant
Acupuncture points ...
Kundalini (so called) will awaken .. it must, the moment the mind
loses control of the body and it must also awaken from the base chakra
It will flow through the body - up a central channel .. it must - if
you understand what the Central Channel really means ..
You will experience all sorts of physical, mental and emotional
symptoms you must, and you will understand how and why if you
understand the relationships between the organs of the body, their
personality, and the meridians that connect them.
You will also experience "psychic" symptoms as the energy from the
Muladhara links with the Ajna ... you must, and you will understand if
you can understand the nature of the Pineal Gland and its role in the
Physiology of the body in Harmony.
You may go mad - or get very sick if you start to look on this as some
"Spiritual" Awakening for the simple reason ...
Kunda - the energy of the pot in the earth .. is the feminine
principle of life in its physical existence .. and the life-force of
every cell in your body and, it has a life of its own ...
Kunda, Cunti, Kunti .. in all her variations of nomenclature is Home
.. your centeredness ... in your physicality. Without that
physicality, mind can not exist (except through resonance with a
sympathetic DNA in a living relative)
and when the whole body is in balance .. only when all of the
Meridians have balanced themselves
will there be a link between Muladhara, Ajna and the Sino Atrial Node
... which is the mysterious 8th Chakra.
"the duck's nuts"
Landscape between Gilgandra and Warren NSW
May 2011
image credit
Now - the funny thing is ...
the energy of the mind is (masculine) centripetal or densifying and
compacting the energy of your life-force (feminine) is centrifugal or
expanding and dedensifying ..
and the centre of the base chakra contains the memory of the moment
that the sperm entered the egg and this resulted in your conception
So, Kundalini is about the expansion of possibilities, about life's
conception of itself - and your conception of your own self ...
in spite of what your mother and father were thinking at the time ...
and this memory is stored in the very tips of the bones that make up
your pelvic floor - joined by your Perineum.
BTW ...
it takes 10 milliseconds for a signal from the body to reach the brain
and, for the average person, it takes 500 milliseconds for the
conscious mind to get an intellectual grasp of what is happening and
750 millisecond of thought re-imprints the opposite of what you are
consciously thinking back into your body
So .. the only "therapy" for a so-called "Kundalini" awakening is
understanding and accepting ... that what you are experiencing is your
own inner self trying to live in harmony with its self ... and your
mind is the last to know.
Oh ... and a cell will mutate as far as necessary in order to survive
in its environment ... and your mind provides part of that
the Kundalini Sutras were a medical document, not a Spiritual Teaching
and Buddhist Teachings provide a plain, old fashioned Psychology Text
which, when understood in their wholeness, are very accurate according
to the most recent studies and findings.
Simplicity cannot be overwhelmed. Mind can be
Christopher Wynter
Copyright and all rights acknowledged & ignored
because this is too good to remain deep-sixed in a restricted forum
Transpersonal Lifestreams
Transpersonal Lifestreams
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