Armless Concubine
First at all: to be a Concubine is a status. And sometimes many really beautiful women cannot get rid of this status ..."concubine". They want to marry and dream about an obliging relationship. But somehow they cannot achieve. Sometimes the dream becomes true and a concubine has a wedding.
This marriage goes wrong very fast.
Then she keeps on living: either as a lover of a man who cannot or does not want to marry her, maybe she becomes the playmate of a bonded man, on the border of an unfamiliar marriage.
How can you recognize your “status as a concubine?”
- Are there many men interested in you and your body, but without interest to make a commitment or even marry you?
- Men’s reaction towards you is full of fire and they cherish you a lot. But there are, besides you, always other women in their lives.
- Did you realize that all men you fancy are either married of bond somehow?
- Are you vulnerable to becoming involved with men who weep on your shoulder. They talk about their unhappy marriage and cherish your openness and your apprehension over all.
All these men have something in common: They are not free! None of them you will get.
Unconsciously you keep on choosing those men, who do not really want to get involved with you.
Maybe you live passing full relationships consciously. Than you have turned the lance. And – even if you never use contraception, you never got pregnant. [read more here]
Or the men have "tied the knot" - as in - had a vasectomy!
Al Dente
An Integrally-informed blog about the New Masculine, men, relationships, consciousness, and how we can change ourselves, our communities, and the planet.
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