Friday, October 18, 2013

Ms Toohey. Welcome back, we missed you.

Sue would have been happy for others to analyse her astrological data

According to the Stoics, all things in the universe obeyed the same laws of Fate and had a cosmic sympathy. The Babylonians and Egyptians, who both had a strong belief in Fate and cosmic sympathy, and an understanding that the same physical laws would apply to heavenly bodies as to earthly bodies, were the first to develop the thema mundi. However, the Stoics were among the first who formalised it into their doctrine. The fundamental principle is that at the beginning of the world all planets started their journeys from a particular position in the heavens. These planets will periodically return to that position marking destruction and renewal and the coming of the new age. According to Rupert Gleadow, the doctrine of the Great Year stated that when the universal conjunction that was present at the creation of the world was repeated, there would come a restoration of all things – a return of the Golden Age. 

 Chrysippus makes the Stoic position explicit:

The Stoics say that when the planets return to the same point in longitude and latitude, where each was at the beginning when the cosmos was first formed, at specific periods of time they bring about a conflagration and destruction of the world, and then return the cosmos to the same state.

When the stars are brought back to the same position everything that happened in the previous period is repeated in exactly the same way.

There will again be a Socrates and a Plato and everyone else along with the same friends and fellow-citizens; the same things will happen to them and they will do the same things again, and every city and village and field will return.

The restoration of the whole occurs not once, but many times – indeed without end into infinity… There will be nothing strange compared with what happened before, but all will be exactly the same right down to the smallest detail.

Quoted in M.R. Wright – Ancient Astrology

Sourced by Sue Toohey [1961-2007]
for Skyscript

Sue Toohey, in her recent life, was a Banana Bender, a Homeopath and an Astrologer who held (like a stinky nappy) an Arts degree with majors in history and philosophy. She was engaged in pursuing a doctorate in Classics, History and Religion before she was rudely interrupted by Death.  Sue was passionate about the history of astrology and religious thought in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods.  Bit like how Aussies thought in the 1960s and 1970s - and still do, out the back of the Black Stump.

A swag of grouse articles that Sue wrote for Skyscript

The Important Life and Tragic Death of Hypatia - 2003

Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen - August 2004

John Dee: The Inspired Melancholic - October 2004

The Influence of Marsilio Ficino - October 2005

Isaac Newton and the Ocean of Truth - July 2003

Ingresses: An Introduction to Mundane Astrology - with Deb Houlding & Tom Callanan

Albertus Magnus and Prognostication by the Stars  - October 2006

The Individual and the Cosmos - pdf file, 2005

Game On


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