Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eminently Useless Information

For the last 18 months or so I have been frequenting a popular astrology forum and paying attention to the topics that come up time and time again for discussion and the extraordinary things people think astrology is capable of achieving.  In some ways, it is like having a window into the workings of a special purpose psychotic delusion and I wonder if because so many people do believe in, and practice astrology, if the 'safety in numbers' deal renders the delusion ~ within normal range?

Whatever that means.

Hot mundane topics for discussion by the amateur wannabe professional astrologers, purveyors of all things cosmic and wise, is the death of Jacintha Saldanha in the wake of the prank played by two royal arseholes in Australia and the latest mass shooting in Newton, Conneticut by yet another troubled single white male loner.

With three more sleeps until the End of the Something on 21 December, I am happy to report that yesterday I received a most pleasant and welcome surprise: an unexpected Christmas hamper from the St Vincent de Paul Society chock-full of my favourite goodies.  Like the hamper gods had read my mind!

It is within these small little ordinary events that I am reminded of the existence of the sacred in every molecule of our lives.  Of  worlds within worlds whirling and turning, all ticking along quite nicely without our help and certainly not in need of our interference.

I know there are intelligent people who are skilled in the use of the tool that is astrology. What worries me is that they are in the minority and are too busy to hang out in these astrology forums to see the ways in which their hard-won and long developed theories are being distorted by the unintelligentsia.

The amateurs are analysing 'natal' charts using false information in lieu of the correct date and place of birth details, so strong is the obsession to know, to force an answer or, in most cases, to make themselves a part of the tragedies: to ride on top of the ambulances and hearses.


Internet forums are riddled with them.  People with 1001 ways to fix the world and more opinions than there are arseholes in Calcutta. Yet where the hammer meets the anvil, these are disempowered people searching for transits causing events and imprisoning themselves with Acquired Astrology Disorder ~ sunsagmoonlibra or plutotrinemars. 

A special language for people who need to feel special. 

After three years of intense self-directed study of astrology, I have experienced the positives of astrology as a tool for deep personal growth and understanding; as well as having skated close to losing my ability to converse with others in non-astrological terms. With a Saturn conjunct transit brushing the cobwebs off natal Neptune for only the second time, I am mindful of what I know of Saturn's archetype.

I am mindful of the fact that I met the Saturn archetype a decade before I became curious enough to take a serious look at astrology.  What I have gained from my journey through astrology is the reassurance that I had already lived 49 years of my life without any knowledge whatsoever of whether Mercury was retrograde or that my Venus is in detriment.

Millions of people are living now with no knowledge whatsover of their natal chart and some may say that is what is awry with this world.  As for me, I think the world knows what it is doing and astrology might be the magnet on the cosmic fridge holding down the to-do list.

As for this astrology forum?  The latest offering on the tragedy of Newtown is that in the Human Design System, the troubled young man was a splenic (spontaneous) Projector on the Right Angle Cross of the Unexpected.

I am sure the parents of the slain children, the extended families of the slaughtered, and the world community will find that information eminently useful.

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