Image: Tsar Bomba, October 30 1961
99942 Apophis is a small cosmic body that could collide with Earth. It isn't the only cosmic body out there that could get up close and personal in the future - near and distant. Matter of fact, Earth has enjoyed regular meteor showers for zonks, Geminids, Perseids, Orionids, which means that our atmosphere has always received regular spritzes of celestial microbes. Pollinating, fertilizing and perhaps polluting - corrupting the genetic codes of all terra-based lifeforms in the name of constant evolution.
Adaptation is the name of the game.
Apophis was spotted and named in June 2004 and quick-and-dirty calculations spawned a panic in December 2004 that there was a 1-in-37 chance that Apophis would bump into Earth. Those odds are enough to make every sphincter in the body clench, right?
However, over the years, the astroboffins have relaxed and the current thought is that we don't have to worry about Apophis until 2029 when this rock may fly through a specific 610-meter wide region of space. A gravitational window that if Apophis does enter will place this 390m wide fragment on an Earth-grazing orbit, which may mean that Apophis will touchdown on Earth about Sunday, April 13th, 2036.
Conspiracy theories abound surrounding Earth-seeking near-misses and have been the subject of many an entertaining movie, such as Deep Impact, Armageddon and 2012 - to name three that I have seen.
I can remember how scared I felt when Skylab was predicted to crash down somewhere in Australia back in 1979. I recall standing on the balcony of my flat in Windsor and seeing Skylab whizz overhead - quite visible to the naked eye. A chilling sight, yet I was only 18 and easily spooked because I knew little about astronomy, shamanism and Gaia consciousness back then. For all I know, eyeballing that crippled space station limping back home to die may have been another 'course adjustment' for my evolutionary path.
In the early hours of July 12 1979, Skylab crashed back to Earth, on Western Australia's south east coast, scattering debris across the Nullarbor and the eastern goldfields; causing a worldwide sensation and narrowly missing where I lived by some 2,978 kilometres. Phew!!
I may be one of few people who feels sadness for manmade structures that are destroyed willfully or are dismantled when deemed to be of no further use. As a Shaman, I know that it is the sentience of the Mineral Kingdoms that I have always been in resonance with. I know that these energies delight in being formed to function as vessels for the adventurous and the artistic, while are saddened to be enslaved to serve as weapons of impersonal mass destruction.
There is nothing more insulting than to buy the farm senselessly.
Vulcan. Vulkanus. Hephaistos, Wayland.
The Golden Age. The Silver Age. The Bronze Age. The Iron Age. The Copper Age.
Fat Man and Little Boy - names that demonstrate the ignorance of humankind which has been so long enslaved it resists all efforts of emancipation.
Asteroid Apophis - Sophia P.
Gaia is a tough bitch.
Ceres is a pragmatic Mother-of-a-Bitch.
A mothers love for her child is like nothing else in the world; it knows no law, no pity, it
dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path ~ Agatha Christie
Now is the time for shaman, seers and others to consider the answer to the only question that matters:
Are you prepared to companion your homeworld no matter what dreams will come?
What were the Russians thinking when they created and dropped the Tsar Bomba
- Ivan -
What. The. Fuck!
Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. ~Frank Zappa
1908: The Tunguska Impact - 100 Years Later
Ignorance Quotes
The Ox River Valley Bactrian Goddess
Davy Crockett: King of the Atomic Frontier
Atomic Annie and Her Nuclear Projectile
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