Monday, October 21, 2013

Twelve: The Light-Bringer

Le Genie du Mal
“All there is to thinking, is seeing something noticeable, which makes you see something you weren’t noticing, which makes you see something that isn’t even visible.”
~ Norman MacLean, A River Runs Through It
Rorschach Inkblot
In pre-Christian times, when the dual nature of the divine was honoured, the archetypes of Lucifer and Satan were distinctly different.  The Lucifer archetype was depicted as a man, while the Satan archetype was always depicted as a woman
The imbalance or the overload of one energy is what causes the “evil” archetypes.
The Divine Masculine energy is what we call Grace or The Light. This energy is given by or falls from Father Sky. It was believed that all men were naturally endowed with this masculine energy of intellect and logic. Initiating the upward rise of the Divine Feminine creates the balance of energies required to attain wholeness, enlightenment, or Holiness. We see this practice played out in the king’s requirement of  ‘Honouring the Goddess’ in an annual ceremony in ancient times. The king who did not honour the goddess or who did not initiate the Kundalini to rise within his spiritual system was deemed an evil king.

The overload of Grace creates the Lucifer archetype of the evil king.

The Divine Feminine energy is what we now call Passion or Kundalini. This energy is given or rises up from Mother Earth. It was believed that all women were naturally endowed with this feminine energy of creativity and emotion. Bringing down the Divine Masculine creates the balance of energies required to attain wholeness, enlightenment, or Holiness. Ancient rituals included marriage to the male godhead as the first step of the spiritual path. (This ceremony is still performed today when a Catholic nun takes her vows.) An overload of Passion or Kundalini creates the Satan archetype. Every culture has a wrathful goddess who rampages and destroys.

When Judaism and later Christianity moved to having only one god, the mechanism of enlightenment for the dual personality types was lost.

This is what created the schism between the apostles of Jesus and the Apostle Paul.
Jesus was hailed as the Prince of Peace.

 Peace is the fruit of Grace.
Text swiped from Jesus' Wedding
Love and War: The necks of two Black Swans form a heart shape in this photo, but there is no love felt between these two birds. These mature swans, probably rival males, are facing off in a show of size and strength. These kinds of confrontations occur frequently but they rarely develop into much more than a bit of posturing

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