Monday, September 16, 2013

Recapitulating The Merovingian

Acknowledge and accept yourself without any condition/s.

Understand the condition/s you place on yourself ~ how you style self-acceptance ~ is part of the pattern of seeing yourself which you were taught by all who contributed directly and indirectly, real and imagined, to the perpetuation of the psychic/mental/physical/psychological injury you believe you sustained.

Very real adaptations have taken place in your body on the bio physiological level.  The events and incidents and their "knock-on effects", created those adaptations in your body, which will most likely repeat and follow a specific pattern that will feel familiar; it being the only outlet.

Even the idea that you "have worked through and processed what happened" is part of the pattern.

What happens is, you move into a "refreshed" phase of the cycle, a new aspect which has not previously been threshed out; and it will come around for as long as is necessary for your body to clear itself of the residue and redress the originating causative injury ~ without you imposing a psychospiritual "shamanic" core energetic ortho-bionic yada yada yada pathology upon it.

Good luck with applying that last sentence..........

Hold out for the green pill.

Adult survivors of child abuse often feel a deep sense of isolation. If this is how you’re feeling, you are not alone.
Healing from child abuse can be a winding path, once described as a "spiral - a repeated traversing of the issues, layer by layer, piece by piece, sorting and resorting, until the toxicity of the abusive experiences has been released." (Baringer 1992)


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