"Son of Man"
Rene Magritte
She had already three children when they established their family home and orchard in North Road.
Maria would to on to conceive another 13 children! Maria bought a case of French Crab apples from Tasmania. On finding the last of these in the case had gone bad, she tipped them out down by the creek course that ran through the family property. From seed that germinated a new fruit tree grew up along the creek course. Mrs Smith knew that this was not a French Crab apple and distinctively different to any other apple she had seen. Mrs Smith recognised she had something that was very special...........
The patriarchal values which deny the body, women and feminine values based more on being than doing, which relates to the superiority of the head, logic, rules and rightness, sabotages a slower and deeper self of the body's natural wisdom, natural organization and alignment, and even heart space. What's more, the inner voice condemning your life, your body and your most innate self will be projected into your relationships with your spouse, partner or significant other, your children, your employer/employees, your government, and the other important people and teachers in your life. This voice goes undetected and is buried so deep in the core tissues of your body that you are unable to even detect it. It has been operating so long in our culture and lives that we do not even know that as men and women, children and elders, that we are being ruled by values, thoughts and nervous system patterning which denigrate our lives and innate biological functioning.
Since the self is a reflection of a spiritual energetic soul AND THE BODY WHICH HAS MANIFESTED THIS SOUL, by working directly with the innate aspects of the body we are able to begin to restructure a self which is intrinsically in alignment with its own soul, its own sense of rightness and direction of real and spiritual life.
Sidra Stone, PhD has named this voice "the Inner Patriarch". Her book, The Shadow King: The Invisible Force that Holds Women Back is a very constructive psychology book to help both men and women understand the values of our culture and the voices which are at play in our many psychological selves.
Pierre Auguste Renoir
The "Inner Patriarch" voice is a voice of stress to the body as well. The relationships we experience in life are mostly based on child psychology and we keep recreating the mother-to-son and father-to-daughter configuration which keeps a person from ever truly growing up into adulthood. So few of us have cleared this stage into a maturely sexual functioning that we do not really ever know this innate mature self. We get involved in pair bonding relationships based on the unfulfilled and unfinished psychological and body-physical patterning that we recreate the very wound we keep trying to heal. Since the pattern is part of the body and its neurological patterning, you cannot help but project that outward into life and hence attract a partner who fits the pattern. Its like your body is the key hole and you find just the right key. In my work, I am changing the "keyhole" so that you are reflecting more maturity and true alignment to self, hence you attract increasingly better life situations to yourself.
Extracts from Struggle With Patriarchy
Rebecca Coursey
Bozeman, MT
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