Monday, August 6, 2012

Stranger in a Strange Land; Stay

The only thing I could control was my own death so I made a rope and went up the summit to hang myself. I had to test it, of course, you know me.

The weight of the log snapped the limb of the tree.

I couldn’t even kill myself.

I had power over nothing.

And that’s when this feeling came over me like a warm blanket.

I knew, somehow I had to stay alive.

Somehow, I had to keep breathing even though there was no reason to hope and all my logic said that I would never see her again.

So that’s what I did. I stayed alive, I kept breathing.

And one day that logic was proven wrong because one day the tide came in and gave me a sail.

And here I am.....

I’m back…

From the movie Cast-A-Way

Lord and Lady of the Depths,
Keepers of the great flocks and herds
That float by the millions
Through glass-green waves,
Lady Ran of the ten-times-fingering weed,
Your hair spread throughout the worlds,
Lord Aegir of the great currents
And the waves that keep the ship afloat,
Generous in your bounty,
Capricious in your favor,
Brewer of ale for gods and lost souls,
Keep us safe as we pass over your realm
In life, in dreams, and in mystery.

Nine Sisters of the Waves, Sacred Undines,
Daughters of Aegir and Ran, fish-tailed,
Blood on your hands and beauty in your song,
We hail you from the shores, the depths,
The heights of sea-cliffs.

Kolga the Cold One, Ice-Maiden of the floes and castles.
Duva the Hidden One, Keeper of island treasures.
Blodughadda, Blood-Haired One, shark's delight.
Hronn, Sucking Whirlpool, Eel-daughter and Mistress of Fear.
Hevring, Heaving Storm, Mourning's Mistress.
Bylgja, Breaker's Dancer, Rider of the Wave-Horse.
Bara, Great Wave of the Whale, battering the land's stalwart stand.
Unn, Billowing Tides, Maiden of the Counting Moon's Rhythm.
Himinglava, Fair-Weather Mermaid, Sun Shining Through.

Teach us by the Powers of Water
How to find the way to our own souls.

Invocation to Aegir, Ran and the Nine Sisters
The Pagan Book of Hours

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