Sunday, May 27, 2012

Primordial Pastry

Your Sweet Devotion

My Rumi-reciting friend
You are becoming the object
Of your sweet devotion.
You drip with the same honey
That sweetened
Rumi and Hafiz’s poems.
My friend
You are the honey
Inside this honeycomb existence.
From your bright nothingness comes the taste of God.
Yes, I know you have your
moments of doubt.
But each one brings you closer
to the doubtless.
So throw caution to the wind
And dare to love
Even the bee’s sting.
- Adyashanti
My Secret is Silence

Lack of contact with nature 'increasing allergies'

A lack of exposure to a "natural environment" could be resulting in more urban dwellers developing allergies and asthma, research has suggested.

Finnish scientists say certain bacteria, shown to be beneficial for human health, are found in greater abundance in non-urban surroundings. (click to read full article)

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