Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat: Invidia

Invidia is the sense of envy or jealousy a "looking upon" associated with the evil eye, from invidere, "to look against, to look at in a hostile manner." Invidia ("Envy") is one of the Seven Deadly Sins in Christian belief. Shades of the Seven Deadly Squirrel Sins from my archived blog The Violet Hour.

Invidia (sometimes called Pax-Nemesis) was also worshipped at Rome by victorious generals, and in imperial times was the patroness of gladiators and of the venatores, who fought in the arena with wild beasts, and was one of the tutlelary deities of the drilling-ground (Nemesis campestris). 


Last night was Halloween and while I didn't get any trick-or-treaters rocking up for a handful of the sweeties I had purchased for just such an occasion, I did receive a visit from my neighbour: a chap I have known these last 5.5 years. He came to my door with an extraordinary proposal that on the surface appeared to make good sense, sound economic sense as well as being a practical solution for a way out of challenging external circumstances for both of us.

The proposal, motivated by a forthcoming rise in our rents at the end of November, is to enter a shared-living arrangement. Pool our resources, halve our living costs and presumably have some more pocket-money. We are both in reduced circumstances and I have lost my car back in late June which has really narrowed my opportunities for picking up casual work. He has a car that he says he would let me use: if we entered a shared-living arrangement. 

Sweet Dreams

It's a practical and realistic proposal. Except I'm a woman and he is a misogynistic male with a deep streak of Invidia and it's been challenging enough living next-door to his energy signature; which is a signature I have a lot of experience with. 

Just when I thought I had "switched off" my homing-signal for attracting people into my life who bear this signature, Nemesis-as-neighbour knocks on my door, on Halloween, which what is in essence, a Faustian Pact. 

Last night as I lay sleeping, I had a dream of being in a stone cell with a gladiator. Then the dream morphed as dreams do into my neighbour attempting to rape me, except he couldn't get it up, then I was back in the stone cell with the gladiator and he was injured and I was there to minister to his wounds. I woke up thinking of Nemesis. One Google search later, I made the Invida Pax-Nemesis connection with the dream gladiator and dragged out my natal charts.

Walkin' After Midpoint

A few days ago, I began to wonder about the Midpoint Sort data that was given to me by an esoteric astrologist back in January 2005 after reading that Alfred Witte of the Hamburg School was the first astrologist to really come to grips with the idea of midpoints.

What's it all about, Alfie? was the question I posed a couple of blog posts ago.  Well, I got a big old dreamtime clue and was led to calculate the midpoint sort in my natal chart between Uranus and the eight TransNeptunians.

The midpoint of Uranus/Apollon falls at 9 degrees Virgo which happens to be the exact Mars/Neptune midpoint calculated by the esoteric astrologist in 2005.  I have been swotting up on Medical Astrology and the Mars/Neptune midpoint is called The Immune Midpoint.

This nugget of information seriously got my attention.  The 9 degrees Virgo Mars/Neptune midpoint is close orbed by my Pluto/North Node twinning, but that is besides the point, because over at 9 degrees Pisces is the Lot of Nemesis. In the Eighth House. Conjunct Chiron.


Murry Hope in Olympus: an experience in self-discovery offers this psychological comment into the archetypes of Themis/Nemesis:

The somewhat ambiguous question of conscience inevitably raises its ugly head here, ethical stands of right and wrong being individual, comparative, and naturally coloured by each person's ethnic Weltanschauung, environment, collective social programming, and temperament. If we feel we have committed some kind of wrong, then the odds are that we will unconsciously lead ourselves into a situation where retribution is exacted in some form or other. If, on the other hand, we are convinced of the justice of our actions, psychological complications are unlikely to occur, regardless of whether we are or are not in fact, flouting some civil/criminal law. In other words, it is all in the mind!

Many people believe that life has treated them unjustly, but Themis/Nemesis throws the onus back on the complainers accompanied by the question: 'What have you yourselves done towards correcting the situation?' Should the reply be in the positive, then the good thiings are to come; if the reverse, then they will find themselves bending under the scourge of life until such times as they apply their own mind-power towards putting matters right. Although this may sound callous in the light of modern liberal thinking, and will doubtless evoke adverse comments from some analysists and social workers, it is possibly nearer to the truth than the more sentimental among us would like to believe. Taking the mental attitude into account, is there such a thing as natural justice, or the balancing out of cause and effect? The Greeks obviously thought so!
So Wrong

Warnings don't come any stronger than this.  Accepting my neighbours offer to enter a shared-living arrangement on the basis of economic practicality would pose a direct threat on the integrity of my psychospiritual immunity. The imagery of my dream is unmistakeably symbolic of psychic rape. I am also informed by my real-life exchanges with this person and I do have my suspicions that he is spiralling into a crisis and is looking at me as a life-boat. I used to be a Rescuer. I've learned to disable that archetype whilst maintaing a detached concern and offering assistance without the necessity for self-sacrifice.

You're Stronger Than Me

What has come strongly to the forefront in just the last 48 hours is the persistence of this theme; a pattern that has played out in my life, and caused havoc, my personal chaotic noodle. A theme that, fortuna, I hunted down a couple of years ago and tied a cowbell around. It goes this way: each time I have been energetically powered-up to move forward in my own life, a nemesis rocks up. Testing my dedication, my devotion, my discipline to stay the course and not head off in the direction of another's bright idea, or plan for how I will fit into their schemata. In essence, measuring the strength of  the seed of my self-determination to stay rooted in the vision of my soul purpose. Self-determination was a concept I didn't learn about until I was 33, by which time a lot of damage had already been done and certain things had been set in motion that couldn't be undone from the level of consciousness I had at the time.  Somedays it's hard to be a human!

A lot of me is quite astonished that the archetypal energies of Themis/Nemesis/Invidia have turned up so strongly and embodied within the parameters of this strange proposal and within the personage of this neighbour. From the apperceptions of my shaman self it has been quite the Halloween treat and I love it when the Divine frocks up.

From the viewpoint of my average woman in the world self, I am chagrined that I almost tricked myself into believing that entering into a shared-living arrangement with this particular person would be a good thing for me to do.

My purple polka-dotted people pleaser, apparently, is still lurking in the shadows; and that is my true Nemesis and it is as stubborn to get out of my programming as it is to remove an orange cordial stain from a beige shag-pile carpet.

She's Got You

Under the surface of this proposal is a veiled expectation that I take on the role of Personal Carer when his health fails and he is ill. He wants a personal nurse, housekeeper and companion and he doesn't want to pay wages. The proposal is not realistic at all. If the offer had included  free rent, all expenses paid, a wage, four weeks annual holidays and sick leave entitlements, as well as superannuation, then that would have been just and fair. Trying to squeeze all that under the peashell container of house-mate is just....naive. 

Just another day in the life of a woman with squirrel medicine. There's always a nut to crack.

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